
Expert public and private investing strategy paired with proactive tax planning for executives

You are often a key decision maker in high-stake outcomes that decide the fate of a company.

You have invested your proactive, creative energy to solve difficult, multi-faceted issues for your company. You may realize, however, that your personal financial situation could benefit from a similar magnitude of expert strategy.

Executives like you carry a lot of responsibility.
You may need help.

Whether it is the blessing of high compensation and high taxes, complex equity awards, or other complicated financial situations in your life, you realize you could benefit from more proactive strategy from someone who has a deep expertise in the complexities you are facing.

We are a trusted partner when the stakes are high

We have helped many executives find clarity in equity-based compensation structures, negotiate more favorable compensation terms, and strategically reduce taxable income. We have also helped clients identify what provides the best after-tax return for them.

What does a free consult with us look like?

  • Gather Data

    Share data specific to your situation. The more detail you are able to provide, the more tailored our recommendations can be.

  • Analyze

    We will review the data against potential planning recommendations

  • Fit Meeting

    We will meet with you in person or virtually to provide free recommendations and you can determine whether an ongoing relationship matches your needs.

Being proactive on tax strategy can significantly influence the amount of money you bring home.