Medical Professionals

Expert public and private investing strategy paired with proactive tax planning for medical professionals

You play a critical role in healing people.

Whether you are in the dentist's chair or in the operating room, you are used to discipline in the heat of high stakes and the role you play in promoting healing within the lives of your patients. You have worked hard for many years and your pay is commensurate.

You’ve worked hard.
You should keep what you’ve earned.

Is your largest expense taxes? You may wonder if there is something you can do proactively to change the amount you owe to the government each year.

We aim to maximize your financial returns for a more secure future.

Our team has spent over 20 years helping dentists and physicians proactively plan their financial future. We have helped many of them reduce or defer taxable earned income by over $100k per year.

What does a free consult with us look like?

  • Gather Data

    Share data specific to your situation. The more detail you are able to provide, the more tailored our recommendations can be.

  • Analyze

    We will review the data against potential planning recommendations

  • Fit Meeting

    We will meet with you in person or virtually to provide free recommendations and you can determine whether an ongoing relationship matches your needs.

Being proactive on tax strategy can change the number of tax dollars you pay this year.